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Open Safety Equipment Ltd: dedicated to providing the safest rebreathers on the planet


Options built around your needs: 

We offer factory servicing with 24 hour turnaround on military rebreathers, 14 days on other models.  A service costs 4% of the purchase price - the lowest in the industry.  Despite the fast response and low cost, we receive less than 1% of the rebreathers we sell back at the factory for servicing.  

The truth is, most customers prefer to service the rebreathers on their own sites.   To support that we provide comprehensive documentation, technician training courses, service procedures and manuals, technician refresher videos and 24/7 hot lines via digital media.

Another factor, is our rebreathers are reliable and simple to fault find and rectify. All users are trained to do a full disassembly and reassembly - this takes just minutes.  This ease and familiarity makes fault finding and rectification a swift and painless process in the field.  We support that with a full field spares kit shipped with every unit.

Rebreather Technician Training and Certification: 

Rebreather Technician Training
We can train any diver or technician to service and maintain the Incursion rebreather in one week.  Following assessment, the technician is certified.  We provide all manuals in both English and your language.   The training gives you access to our service refresher videos and lifetime access to our service hotlines

Video refreshers:

Remote training includes our refresher courses which operate with video support, to assist you after you have been using our equipment for some time, and would like a refresher course on the key technician processes or on some of the advanced dive techniques.  We have a library of these course, a sample from which is below.  To access the others in the series, contact us: we are here to serve you.

Full Rebreather Service
Video refresher available for each of our rebreather models, covering full strip down, inspection, the service items, reassembly, and checks for readiness to dive.
Login required to access.

Servicing the Apollo A320 first stage regulator
A 30 minute refresher on servicing the Incursion A320 regulator developed by Apollo.
Open access.

Servicing the Incursion CMR Auto Loop volume Valve (ALV)
A 5 minute refresher on how to fault find and service the Incursion ALV.
Login required to access.

LP Hose Testing
Quality control of LP hoses in Open Safety, showing how we test hoses to 40 bar in production and a proof test to 100 bar, along with the decisions on the use of crimp and reusable connectors, our progressive valve seats and other key design aspects of the LP systems fitted to Open Safety rebreathers.
Login required to access.